Anything containing an artificial or concentrated (liquid or granular) sweetener (even the natural ones), especially if the sweetener is a glucose or sucrose type sweetener, like agave, granulated sugars, concentrated fructose, maple syrup, or molasses.
Just keep in mind that fruits or most sweeteners and fats/oils are best not mixed in the same meal. Consume each food group in separate meals to avoid the sugar-fat conflict.
Insulin resistance takes place when meat of all kinds is combined with starches/sweets (because meats are exceptionally hard to digest, acidify the body, and will always contain fats that conflict with the sugar).
Because meats typically contain fats, and most celebration meals will also contain starches and sugars, the combination of the two results in fungal overgrowth (from insulin resistance) and viral proliferation (viruses feed on both fats and toxins).
Cookies, pastries, desserts, and candies, (beware of the “natural” ones). “Organic” does not always mean safe for you. Most of these contain concentrated sweeteners and oils that disrupt sugar metabolism, thus leading to chronic diseases. (I know this is not welcome news, but the truth none-the-less). Make your own with our recipes using only ancient, alkaline grains like amaranth, spelt, einkorn, emmerkorn, millet
Beware of sweetened chocolate, due to the concentrated sugar (“organic cane sugar”) in combination with the cacao butter, cream, nuts, or a few ingredients which cannot be pronounced.
The least compromising chocolate treat uses raw fermented cacao, licorice root, stevia, or yacon, and sea salt or spices, possibly some green superfoods, and very little else (assuming such a chocolate could be found or made).
Nuts are extremely hard to digest (even when soaked, demonstrated by the way the nut butters stick to the teeth, therefore the gut walls), and way too easy to eat too many.
Do not eat nuts with fruit, sweets, or starches (granola bars & trail mixes are classic food combining nightmares causing gas and bloat, the tell-tell sign of a food combining mistake).
Also, unless you take the nuts out of the shell yourself, preferably off of your own tree in your back yard, the chance of beginning levels of mold and rancidity is great. How long has the nut been on the store shelf?
Nuts and concentrated sugars are two of the greatest viral, fungal, and bacterial overgrowth promoters in the health food world.
Concentrated added sugars are associated with higher blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver, non-alcoholic hepatitis, weight gain, and increased risk for diabetes. This does not apply to organic fruits, however.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with cardiovascular disease, obesity, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. “Historically thought to result from overnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, recent evidence suggests that diets high in sugar (from sucrose and/or high-fructose corn syrup [HFCS]) not only increase the risk of NAFLD, but also non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).”
While not as sweet, yacon root powder or cinnamon are safer alternatives. Whole fruit is also a wise choice where fats or oils are not part of the meal.
Honey, while natural, needs to be treated like a fruit, consumed apart from meals containing oils and fats, but can be acceptable with starches & grains.
Sweeten with Licorice Root Powder (not the licorice candy) and Stevia Green Leaf Powder (not the stevia drops or white concentrated powder), cinnamon, or other spices.
Use fruit, cucumber, sweet potatoes, or unpasteurized coconut water as a sweetener where appropriate (i.e. when fats or oils are not added).
Licorice and stevia do not contain fructose, glucose, or sucrose and can be combined safely with oils and fats.
One reason concentrated glucose and sucrose sweeteners can be a dietary risk has to do with the need for insulin (an acidic hormone) to metabolize glucose and sucrose (which does not apply to fructose from fruit).
The transport of glucose through the cell wall to create ATP (the energy molecule) causes a lactic acid buildup when oxygen levels are low to begin with from dietary acidity. The extra lactic acid further increases body acidity, placing an additional strain on the eliminative organs (liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bowels, and lymph system).
Fructose from whole fruit, (not an extract concentrate like high fructose syrup or agave) does not trigger insulin, as whole fruit-derived fructose is able to enter the cells without insulin support (as long as the excess fat has not plugged the sugar receptor sites in the cell wall).
Watermelon is well known in some circles for reversing diabetic ketoacidosis due to its alkalizing effects and low glycemic load.
The Ketogenic diet, especially for lactating mothers, or diets high in concentrated sugar, increases body acidity, and can be life threatening. A low fat, high starch diet, on the other hand, allows for more fruit, like watermelon, to maintain body alkalinity.
Fructose is actually more efficient at creating the ATP molecule than glucose itself. Since insulin is not required to deliver fructose through the cell wall (as it is with glucose), fructose from fruit is a safe sweetener for diabetics, providing fat is not interfering with sugar passing through the sugar receptors at the cell wall.
Concentrated sugars (cane sugar & liquid concentrates) compound this problem, as high sugar levels in the blood also reduce the ability of acids to be excreted from the body via the urine.
Concentrated sugars cause the body to become over-acidic, thus thickening/reducing bile flow (used to digest fats). Not so with natural whole fruits. The University of Colorado found that “For weight loss achievement, an energy-restricted moderate natural fructose diet [from fruit] was superior to a low-fructose [from high fructose syrup] diet.
Use whole foods, fruits, and herbs to sweeten beverages or dishes, but leave out the oils and fats to prevent insulin resistance in those dishes or drinks, or use Licorice Root Powder or Stevia Green Leaf Powder when fats are present.
Undigested fats in the blood (caused partially by the over acid condition that thickens and slows the flow of bile fluids needed to digest fats) make it even more difficult to metabolize sugars resulting in a sugar spike.
Undigested fats in the blood promote insulin resistance because the excess fat plugs up the sugar receptors in the cell wall, thus preventing the delivery of the sugar to the interior of the cell where it is needed most to create energy.
Yeast in the body consumes the excess sugar in the blood from the combination of sweets and fats, resulting in a fungal bloom, along with viral (eating fats) and bacterial (eating sugars) proliferation, followed by fuzzy brain, digestive bloat, over-acid stomach, interference with hormones, and an aggravation of many other health conditions in the body.
When consumed apart from oils and fats, fruits and starches like potatoes (white, yellow, red, purple, and sweet), beans, lentils, rice, and squash are able to feed the energy producing ATP in the cells without acidifying the body.
Chips (fried oils are often rancid, and oils should not be combined with starches like corn or potatoes). Most fried food is fried in canola oil (especially at restaurants), a GMO oil, rancid and chemically polluted.
One new way of making a chip is with coconut oil. This is the least problematic way to combine an oil and a starch due to the fact that coconut oil is a partially predigested oil (so less bile is required to digest it). If an oil is desired with a starch, this is the safer way to go.
Other fried foods (clogs the arteries, acidifies the blood, and interferes with sugar metabolism). Most all restaurant fried foods are fried with canola oil, a penetrating lubricant. This oil will always be rancid by nature, causes painful swollen joints, digestive disturbances, and a toxic condition in the body.
Pasteurized cheese, cream, yogurt, and milk (all pasteurized dairy products are congesting, acidic, and toxic). Raw dairy has advantages for some in moderation, yet ultimately dairy will be eliminated in order to obtain the best of health due to its congesting, mucus producing properties, and due to the way dairy feeds the herpes, EBV, and shingles viruses.
Soy products and byproducts of all kinds (soy is most likely GMO, even if it is organic). Soy acts as an estrogen replacer, but does not restore production power to the hormone producers.
Adaptogenic herbs rebuild hormone production power across the entire endocrine system and are far superior to soy in this regard. (Adaptogen & Mushroom Blend, Revitalize for Men / Women)
Coffee being a stimulant and acidic to the body, does not add anything to your health at all. It drains your adrenals and keeps your nervous system in overdrive. The sooner you give up coffee completely, the sooner you can begin your journey to true health
Decaf coffees are more likely to contain mold than regular coffee due to the longer soaking time required for extracting the caffeine. The coffee plant is one of the most chemicalized food plants in the world, so stick to organically grown beans from trusted sources if you must, until you can let go completely
Colas, even the “natural” ones (usually loaded with sugars and acids). Most non-organic colas are made with phosphoric acid, and have a pH close to 2.0, causing great strain on the kidneys.
Of course, “diet” sodas are sweetened with toxic chemicals that contribute to numerous diseases, including obesity.
Alcohol does not have the health benefits that media and (industry funded) research reports have led us to believe. Alcohol depresses the immune system by weakening the spleen (a major contributor of antibodies whose job it is to tackle viruses and bacteria in the body).
Alcohol also degenerates the brain similar to coffee (as per Dr. Amen’s brain scan revelations shown in the article).
Kombucha & jun are gentler than the above, but can still worsen candida overgrowth and blow out the spleen due to its sugar/caffeine/alcohol content.
Alcohol produces a serotonin response in the body, thus providing its mood elevating effects, offset, of course, by its reduction of inhibitions and motor skills, endangering lives in many ways.
I know this is not new to most of you but, Eliminate packaged, processed foods and fast foods, due to the number of non-food chemical ingredients, rancid toxic oils, and concentrated sweeteners contained within most all of them.
As well, if you are not sure if a fruit or vegetable has not been genetically modified, best to avoid it all together.
If the animal products are not from 100% organically fed animals, you likely have GMO feed ingredients bred into the flesh and fat of the animal. If you cannot give meat yet, the wilder the better -bison is an ok option until you are ready to give it up completely
Sadly, most restaurants use conventional foods (commonly coated with RoundUp to speed harvesting times/yields) and canola oil, soy oil, peanut oil, or “vegetable” oil. Avoid these, as they promote inflammation throughout the body and increase the viral loads.