
In this article, we will explore the best exercise techniques post detox and what movement you need to keep you strong, lean, vibrant and youthful – without taxing the adrenals.

Remember, when building a strong body, 80% of your success will be correlated to the quality of your diet. You simply cannot out exercise a bad diet, it’s simply not going to serve you!

Know that it is entirely possible to build a strong lean body LIVINGmucusFREE – but first, we must strip the body, then we rebuild it. Once the toxicity is cleared (or most of it) the body will be in rebuilding mode.

High Fruit and Greens

Whilst a high fruit diet is necessary, you will want to include high-quality greens as well such as sprouts, moringa, chlorella, alfalfa and baobab powder as well as amino acids (for a while). Depending on much you will want to build your body, you will also need some (!) fats from nuts and seeds. The body will guide the process.

Best Exercise for Detox and Rebuilding

Essentially, you only need kundalini yoga and walking to be healthy, but if you are looking to build a strong foundation and some muscle definition I highly recommend P.Volve Workout.

P.Volve is THE most effective workout I have found to build long, lean, strong muscles. Most exercise out there damages ligaments and adrenals and overwork your heart and deplete your body in the long run.

Exercise such as Crossfit, Barre etc are too strenuous for the body and a total overkill for most of us. In reality, these exercises aggravate inflammation and add bulk.

I have done it all in my 20-year search for the best way to be healthy AND fit and the combination of kundalini yoga, P.Volve and power walking/hiking is what is giving me the best all-round results.

P.Volve focuses on:

  • Functional exercise
  • Elongating muscles
  • Building core stability

Add some power walking/hiking/biking or whatever else you enjoy for getting into the best shape.

My Routine

I aim for kundalini yoga daily and P.Volve at least 5 days a week – alternating between longer and shorter sets. I also include walking, hiking and rebounding into my routine. When I started my healing journey I could barely do five minutes of light yoga before needing recovery time!

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Top tip: 
rotate these free videos on Youtube twice per week to start

Other P.Volve Workout Videos

Short and Effective At-Home

Full Body Workout

7min Core Workout