Make your own bean burgers and top with our raw chutney sauce. The perfect transition meal that’s easy to make.
Bean Burgers
- Grated carrot/zucchini/beetroot/onion
- Hemp seeds
- Flaxseed flour
Mix bean burger ingredients together in a bowl.
Place in dehydrator for 18 hours
Once complete: top with a store-bought raw chutney sauce or make your own.
Raw Chutney Sauce Recipe:
Using a high-powered blender or food processor combine dates, apricots, onion, a little apple cider vinegar and a pinch of garlic. Mix it all up to a chunky sauce. Top the bean burger with this sauce.
Ingredients for Side Dish:
- Handful of coriander
- 2-3 tomatoes
- ¼ cabbage (finely chopped)
- Green beans
- Avocado
Place the ingredients together or separate on your plate and sprinkle with lime juice and a little salt and/or a raw tahini dressing. Enjoy!