I have many clients come to me off the back-end of an intensive exploration into the world of Paleo and Keto – and with a myriad of health concerns, I might add. As a result of my direct experience with them, I felt it imperative to dedicate a post to debunking these myths.
My background story is that my own health plummeted after exploring a paleo and keto diet. With the huge health crisis currently experienced in the developed worlds, we have all the evidence we need. Diets high in animal proteins don’t work. They cause premature disease and ultimately, death.
I won’t go into too much detail here on the adverse effects of consuming animal products (to learn more about the science supporting this, sign up for the 90 Day Programme [see our ‘Courses’ tab]). If you implement the easy-to-follow advice in this course, you can expect to experience unprecedented health and energy levels. If you are new to this work, inform yourself by watching Dr Morse’s videos (a few of which are listed below) which are highly informative and easy to understand.
Initially when I heard Dr Morse’s message I wasn’t ready to hear it and actually hoping it wasn’t true. His message turned my world upside down. Ultimately it was this very knowledge that healed my body and allowed me to thrive.
If you are new to this lifestyle, it is likely that you are still stuck in the old nutritional model, which is only partially true. Healing on a cellular level whilst following the old model is simply, not possible.
Healing the body is very simple – once we understand what has damaged our body, to begin with. Once we truly understand the level of misinformation we’ve been exposed to, true healing begins. When your body becomes the proof, it will quite organically undo all that you understood previously to ‘be true’. It takes deep courage and commitment to do this work, and yet, the levels of vitality and energy you experience will be unprecedented.